Home Retiring in Mexico What is the INAPAM Card?

What is the INAPAM Card?

by Brent May

The INAPAM Card is a free, government-issued senior discount card. It’s the size of a resident or credit card and doesn’t expire. It is issued by the Instituto Nacional de las Personas Adultas Mayores (INAPAM).

What discounts are available?

The INAPAM Card offers discounts (typically 10-50%) off many of the items listed below. Discounts vary depending on the state in which you live.

While not every discount is noted, it’s always a good idea to inquire about using your INAPAM Card at businesses and with service providers. Be sure to show your card before your order is rung up or the invoice is created.

Advisors and legal services legal firms, accountants

Clothing and home construction firms, hardware stores, electricians, locksmiths

Education, recreation and culture bookstores, arts & craft stores, parks, hotels, travel agencies, event facilities, museums and galleries

Food grocery/convenience stores, restaurants and cafesMexico Bus

Health and beauty doctors, dentists, veterinarians, pharmacies, beauty salons, spas

Property taxes

Transportation domestic airlines, buses, taxis, car service centers

Who is eligible?

Mexican nationals and those with temporal or permanent resident cards are eligible for the INAPAM Card, if they are 60 years and older. Sadly, tourist visas do not count toward INAPAM Card eligibility.

What is the application process?

Applications must be done in person at a local INAPAM office. Offices are open Monday to Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. For more information, visit gob.mx/inapam (in Spanish). Questions are welcomed at 55 5536 1145 or [email protected].

While applying for your INAPAM card, you will be interviewed in Spanish about your residence, who lives there and what furnishings it contains. You’ll also be fingerprinted and asked for the documents listed below.

CA PassportWhat documents are needed?

According to gob.mx/inapam, you will need to bring the original and photocopies of the items below.

● Proof of legal status for non-citizens Bring your passport and temporary or permanent resident card.

● Proof of age and identity This can be a passport, resident card, Mexico-issued driver’s license or Mexico-issued voter ID card.

● Proof of residence address (comprobante de domicilio) This can be a deed or rental lease, paid utility bill (both sides and not more than three months old) or a Mexico-issued voter ID card. If someone else’s name is on the utility bill and you live under the same roof, then that person will need to write a letter for you, stating that you live there, the date you moved in, the property address and the signature that the person is telling the truth. The person will also need to offer a personal identification copy.

● Passport-sized photos Bring three black and white or color photos (“Tamaño Infantil,” 2.5 cm x 3.0 cm) of you in front of a white background. Avoid accessories – eye glasses/ hats.

We also recommend that you bring:

● Emergency contacts names, addresses and phone numbers

● Hand wipes This is for the 10-fingerprinting you’ll need to offer during your interview.

And that’s it! You should have your new INAPAM Card within a few weeks to start saving while you’re spending.

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Lovitt Mike January 22, 2020 - 11:48 am

Is tourist visa not accepted under any conditions for inapam card ?
I bought a property here 2 years ago.

Erin May March 18, 2020 - 11:52 am

Hey Mike,

Usually you would need a permanent resident card to do this. This being said conditions change frequently.


Catherine Reeves February 16, 2023 - 8:39 am

I am 69 year old senior with temporary Mexican residency and bought a home in 2022 in Cozumel. I have been waiting since July 2022 for the application for the seniors card. I have a curp driver license park card appointment for RFC. Pay my property taxes.
And was turned away yesterday.
I was told about the program at the consulate in Calgary Alberta.
It would be beneficial if all agents were informed the program no longer exists to foreigners.

Erin May February 23, 2023 - 11:07 am

Hola Catherine,
Check out our article about the INAPAM card here: https://mexicoliving.com/what-is-the-inapam-card/


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