Home Blog The Huatulco Food Bank: Helping to Feed Huatulco’s Families In Need

The Huatulco Food Bank: Helping to Feed Huatulco’s Families In Need

by Brent May


The Huatulco Food Bank was founded 7 years ago by Randy Clearwater and Wilfrido Justiniano. Basically a cupboard stocked with staple items to help people who struggle to put food on the table, the organization helps local people and surrounding rural communities through the Alcance Church. Randy is the contact between the international community in Huatulco and the Food Bank. Randy’s role is to assist in raising funds from local tourists and expats. He purchases the groceries and keeps the cupboard filled.

The Huatulco Food Bank’s Mission

The Huatulco Food Bank’s mission is to assist fragile community segments: widows, single mothers, elderly and disabled in and around Huatulco.By working with the Alcance Christian Church, the Food Bank is able to identify, connect with and serve those in need. The Church assists in distributing food to the people most in need.

COVID-19 Crisis in Huatulco

The COVID-19 crisis brings new challenges. Because of numerous layoffs around the community, the depth and breadth of need is being felt on a larger scale. The Food Bank is assembling care packages with rice, beans, vegetable oil,pasta, tuna, milk, toilet paper and sugar. The challenge is to get the food to at risk populations and communities. Distributing the food in an organized manner is perhaps the most difficult task.

Compassionate stories come up every day. Recently, an older gentleman who is struggling financially received a care package. He has been out of work for weeks and is diabetic. As Willy appeared with a food hamper, the man cried because the food arrived just as he was contemplating his next step since he had run out of food and money.

Feel moved to assist?

If you feel moved to donate to the Huatulco Food Bank to assist them in continuing their activities during this crisis, donations can be made by transfer to [email protected] or PayPal at the same email address. A gofundme campaign titled Huatulco Food Bank will appear on their Facebook page in the near future.

For current Huatulco community members, assistance can also come in other forms. The biggest challenge so far is to organize the distribution in the community. The Food Bank’s organizers are open to working with other businesses and service groups to cross reference those in need and be able to extend assistance further.

Connect with the Huatulco Food Bank Group on Facebook.


Donations can be made via email money transfer or PayPal to:

[email protected]

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1 comment

Mary Halstead April 12, 2021 - 3:21 am

Please leave information for Disabled People, Do u have doors wide enough for wheelchair ? Can I come to Restaurant with my wheelchair? Is there elevators? Things like this that Disabled People can enjoy your Hotel. Thank You


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